Tuesday 16 November 2010

Man Made Global Cooling

Manmade Global Cooling, or Anthropogenic Global Cooling or AGC. 

As manmade Global warming or AGW is still a theory and not a proven fact I have a new theory for you. The theory I have has a very sinister twist to it and it is being deliberately made by the world elite. Their plan is to reduce the population of the planet and create more for themselves. Themselves being around 1% of the population, the rest of us being the 99 % that are considered a waste of space and useless eaters.
So how do I believe this works? You may wonder. Well, let’s start with the fact that they are using the media endorsed AGM, Anthropogenic (manmade) global warming, loosely based on the amount of CO2 we are supposedly pumping in to the atmosphere by the over use of fossil fuels. They are insisting that all greenhouse gasses are pollutants rather than explaining that CO2 is an essential gas that helps the entire biosphere work properly.  Some of the ways they are dealing with this situation are all aimed at creating the opposite, Global Cooling or AGC, but that’s not the only way they intend to destroy 99% of the population. Indeed there are a number of combined elements that I believe they are using to achieve their ultimate goal.
Firstly, reducing the amount of CO2 going in to the atmosphere will limit the amount of CO2 globally, as much of it escapes in to space. This is all researchable and anyone can look it up to find out for themselves that anything I am saying can and is backed up by scientific study and fact. This is simply my conclusion of those facts.
The act of reducing the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere is going to slow down the growth of plants because, whether you know it or not, what we breathe out Plants breathe in and what they breathe out we breathe in, Oxygen.  The lack of Oxygen can have all kinds of adverse effects on the human body, more so the human brain, preventing it from functioning properly leaving people unable to think or concentrate properly.  This is part of the process of dumbing down the human population along with pharmaceutical drugs now being evermore pumped in to the water we drink and the food we eat. Even natural foods are not as good for us as they were because of lack of Oxygen and pesticides being pumped into the atmosphere on a daily basis. This also goes to serve another purpose which I will come to in a second.  On top of all of that we are being bombarded with new illnesses daily to which they have to come up with some kind of drug to help us treat the said illnesses, even though they don’t really exist.  This then means more and more drugs in our system, meaning more dumbing down.  Why do they want to Dumb us down? The answer is simple, a dumbed down society won’t question anything they are doing. Most, if not all, of what they are doing is now so obvious but is kept quiet by the state run and controlled media. The fact is most of the media don’t even know they are lying half the time due to them being as dumbed down as the rest of the population.
The media in so many ways are contributing to the onslaught of the human population with false stories, forced on to them by governments and the powers that be, full of propaganda and lies to push the agenda, Global Cooling and mass population reduction.  I could go in to the media involvement more but there is so much information out there to find out I will leave that up to you.
So now that we are all nicely dumbed down they can continue with their agenda of cooling the planet. This is being done in a number of ways. Firstly, as I mentioned before, reducing the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere. CO2 is a greenhouse gas which works by holding in some of the sun’s heat helping to keep our planet at roughly the right temperature to sustain life.
Secondly is a phenomena commonly known as Chem-trails or as the UN has recently put it “Climate engineering “.Although, this has been denied by most developed nations, it has now pretty much been proven as some countries have acknowledged they are, in fact, taking part in these programs. For instance Germany just recently announced a cut back in their program of climate engineering.
You only have to look outside your door on what started as a fine sunny day to see these chem-trails all over the sky. They can stay there for hour upon hour as opposed to contrails, which are produced by commercial airlines at a much higher height and they last for no more than about 30 seconds or so before they disperse.  Chem-trails contain compounds such as Barium. Here is a good link to see how it is being used http://www.bariumblues.com/ . Chem-trails also contain Nano (tiny) particles of Aluminium. The purpose of these compounds combined is to reflect some heat and some light from the sun back out in to space as well as creating patches of artificial cloud cover. As a result of this the planet then begins to cool. Further purposes for  Chem-trails are to contribute to the dumbing down process of people and to make us quite sick, after all, we get most of the feel good factor vitamin D from the sun’s interaction with our skin. The lack of Vitamin D is one of the causes of so many people becoming depressed and moody in the winter months and even in the summer months. This is partly due to so many people taking health professionals advice to smother themselves with high UV protection sun lotions. Another reason is the amount of time now being  spent indoors on computers and games consoles.
The latest introduction to this theory is NASA introducing an earth shield. They are proposing that earth shield is to protect the US National Power Grid from solar winds. What they are failing to tell the public is that NASA are working alongside the Chem-trail phenomena to further reduce the planets temperature by using the earth shield to deflect the suns heat away from the planet. http://science.nasa.gov/science-news/science-at-nasa/2010/26oct_solarshield/
Climate change is a natural cyclical phenomena. The planet has always looked out for her own temperature. There have been many times in the earth’s history where the temperature was much hotter than it has been in recent years. The fact is not 800 years ago the medieval warm period was much hotter than it has been recently and there was no such thing as an industrial revolution then. http://green-agenda.com/greenland.html  
Scientists, such as Michael Mann, tried to hide the decline in a graph that became known as the hockey- stick chart where the scientists took out the medieval warm period, hoping that no one would notice they missed it out, but of course other scientists did notice. Obviously they were not the only scientists that work in climate change.  So this is how they are using lies and the media propaganda to influence the general public that Global warming is a fact, when the complete opposite is the truth.
By causing a mini ice age they will kill off billions of people. Those that are not prepared for such an event won’t have time to prepare due to intervention from the powers that be causing the deep freeze to happen at a much faster rate than nature would normally do. By convincing people the planet is warming no one is taking any precautions to protect themselves from the cold. No one is stocking up on food supplies, which is another thing they are slowly but surely preventing people from doing for themselves. The States, in particular, are outlawing the home grown and naturally grown foods at home and on small farms. This means that the government and big corporations will be in control of what the American people are eating, drinking and the drugs that go in to the food and drink. This looks likely to be introduced in to the EU in the next year or so. If it’s not grown or manufactured by Monsanto it will be against the law for you to consume it.
The majority of people who will die first will be those living in poverty. Believe it or not that is about 80% of the world’s population (by my calculations anyway but do feel free to look it up) It will be the cold that kills them in conjunction with failed crops that will occur as a result of inadequate sunlight and the cold combined. The outcome will be food becoming too expensive for the average person to buy. Imagine a loaf of bread costing around $20 or £10! What is the rest of the weekly shop going to cost you?  Plus the fact they are trying to prevent people from taking vitamin supplements and other supplements as per the Codex plan. Vitamins, natural herbs and spices which have long been held sacred for their healing and wellbeing properties are to be upgraded to class A drugs. Due to these factors the next group of people that will inevitably die will be those that are malnourished and vulnerable to illness and disease both natural and man-made (I.E Swine Flu)
I would advise everyone to research this starting with the link I have provided below.

Next, the cold sets in. Remember the powers that be will be nice and warm and able to pay for good heating, food and medicines. The likely hood the general public won’t. This will be the cause of the next group of people to die as they won’t be able to afford heating, food, they can’t go to work because there is no money to employ them and what little money there is, is going on what little food they can get to feed their families.
Once the population reaches the 500,000,000 to 1 Billion mark the powers that be can then start to reverse the effects of global cooling, or so they think. But there is a strong possibility that what they have done cannot be undone until the planet decides she wants to undo it. So the chances are they could pretty much wipe out the human population, including themselves, out of greed and their need for power.
This is not me making any of this up. It’s all factual. It’s all out there to be found. All that I have done is joined the dots and with an open mind I am able to see the plan for what it really is.

On June 17th 2009, NASA fired a nuclear missile at the moon to, supposedly, see if it had water on it. This was covered by all main stream media. If you have followed the MSM as long as I, and others, have you will know that there is more to that than we were told.
The fact is the moon has a huge effect on the earth, its oceans and its climate. If this missile was deliberately fired at the moon to cause a tilt, knowing that it would have an effect on the climate and the oceans and knowing that the oceans have a large part to do with climate, could this not be the real reason they fired the missile, telling us a pack of lies as usual? As an amateur Astronomer for the last 20 years, I have noticed differences in the moons position and the suns position, for that matter, in the sky  so I took some images a few months apart. Those images show a definite tilt in the moons face which is always supposed to show the same face to the earth as it has done for millions of years. This is just another clue leading to the possibility that this is in fact the plan to cause a global cooling effect which is now happening. 

All of the above can be stopped though. Even now we have time to stop it. We can unite in one voice. We are many and they are scared because if enough people find out what their plan is they know we can go against them. We have the power as a united population do defeat them but first we must stop fighting amongst ourselves and see the bigger picture. We must consciously move together as one, unite and conquer. They will soon run but they will be found and brought to justice for these evil crimes against humanity. Think about it. Join the dots and join the growing number of people waking up to the truth. Then start awakening others. Do some research and find the truth but don’t take too long about it, we don’t have much time left!
This is my theory. As far as I am concerned it is closer to fact than anything I have ever researched and found out for myself. Please do the same and take care.

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